Top 5 Places to Visit in Kenya

Interested in visiting Kenya?

Kenya is one of the most popular tourist destinations in Africa. It is home to the Masai Mara National Park which hosts the annual wildebeest migration often called the 8th wonder of the world.

Other famous tourist attractions include the Nairobi National Park, the Great Rift Valley, Amboseli National Park, and Tsavo National Parks.

But while the wildlife remains the largest attraction, the rich culture, the sporting industry, and picturesque landscapes also make it a mouthwatering attraction. In this article, we shall list the top 5 tourist destinations in Kenya.

1. Masai Mara

Top of the list of the top ten places to visit in Kenya is Masai Mara. The Masai Mara- Serengeti triangle hosts the most spectacular wildlife event anywhere in the world — the wildebeest migration.

While the millions of herds are a mesmerizing sight, the real attraction is the action of the countless predators lying in wait for wildebeests. Lions, leopards, cheetahs, and crocodiles have their fill in the most gut wrenching feeding fest you will ever see.

Safari packages to the Masai Mara start at $400 pp.


2. The Great Rift Valley

The Rift valley is a geographical feature that starts from Israel and runs the entire breath of East Africa.

As the world’s longest valley, it is home to numerous lakes, rivers, geysers, mountains, and escarpments that are a must see.

Some of the famous lakes include Lake Nakuru which his hosts the largest flamingo population on earth and Lake Turkana which is the largest desert lake in the world.

If you are keen on seeing the Riftvalley, it is best you take a tour to any of the famous national parks.

Did you know that the Masai Mara, Serengeti, and Lake Tanganyika are all part of the Riftvalley? Now you know.


3. Mt Kenya

Mt. Kenya which is Kenya’s tallest mountain is also the only snowcapped mountain on the equator. It is a widely popular with mountain climbing enthusiasts from all over the world. Of course Mt. Kenya nowhere compares to Kilimanjaro but it is still one of the most sought after tourist destination.

mount kenya hiking tours safari

Climbing Africa’s second tallest mountain

4. Amboseli National Park

Amboseli National Park also known as the land of giants is second only to the Masai Mara in popularity. Amboseli borders Mt Kilimanjaro and hosts the largest elephant population in the country. Other park residents include buffalos, cheetahs, lions, and zebras.

5. Nairobi

Nairobi is the economic and cultural center of Kenya. It is also the only capital city with a national park — the Nairobi National Park. Some of the attractions in Nairobi include the Giraffe Center, The Bomas of Kenya, and the Kenyatta International Conference Center.

Nairobi also has an active nightlife and excellent accommodation facilities.

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